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Table 6 Plant growth promotion properties of the isolated endophytic bacteria from Alternanthera philoxeroides

From: Endophytic bacteria Klebsiella spp. and Bacillus spp. from Alternanthera philoxeroides in Madiwala Lake exhibit additive plant growth-promoting and biocontrol activities

Bacterial Isolates

Plant Growth Promotion Properties

IAA (µg/ml)

Ammonia (µg/ml)

Phosphate Solubilization index

Phosphate solubilization (ppm)

Potassium solubilization (ppm)

Nitrogen fixation

ACC deaminase

HCN production

Antimicrobial activity

Gram-positive bacteria

Gram-negative bacteria


K. pneumoniae

48.75 ± 3

2.92 ± 0.15


38.935 ± 0.31

2.13 ± 0.07

 +  + 

 +  + 



 +  + 


B. amyloliquefaciens


3.51 ± 0.15


30.708 ± 0.477


 +  + 

 +  + 


 +  + 

 +  + 

 +  + 

B. subtilis


3.37 ± 0.09


29.562 ± 0.312


 +  + 

 +  + 


 +  + 

 +  + 

 +  +