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Table 1 Percentage inhibitory effects of quercetin on bovine serum albumin glycation, aggregation, and thiol oxidation

From: Experimental and hypothetical appraisal on inhibition of glucose-induced glycation of bovine serum albumin by quercetin


200 μg/ml

150 μg/ml

100 μg/ml

50 μg/ml

Inhibition of glycation (%)

76.69 ± 1.12a

64.96 ± 1.40b

57.40 ± 1.07c

49.75 ± 0.65d

Inhibition of aggregation (%)

66.18 ± 0.91a

36.10 ± 1.55b

36.46 ± 2.55c

32.98 ± 4.34d

Inhibition of thiol oxidation (%)

78.51 ± 2.58a

74.22 ± 1.66b

60.81 ± 10.69c

47.96 ± 1.26d

  1. Different superscripts across the row indicate significant differences at p < 0.05