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Fig. 5 | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Fig. 5

From: Optimization of extracellular ethanol-tolerant β-glucosidase production from a newly isolated Aspergillus sp. DHE7 via solid state fermentation using jojoba meal as substrate: purification and biochemical characterization for biofuel preparation

Fig. 5

Effect of pH on Aspergillus sp. DHE7 β-glucosidase activity. Optimal pH for β-glucosidase activity (filled triangles) was determined by assaying the enzyme in various pH ranging from 3.0 to 9.0, pH stability (filled circles) was determined by pre-incubating of the purified β-glucosidase (without the substrate) in the same buffers for 24 h at 4 °C and measuring the residual activity. The non-treated enzyme activity was regarded as 100%

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