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Fig. 4 | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Fig. 4

From: Missense variants in the TNFA epitopes and their effects on interaction with therapeutic antibodies—in silico analysis

Fig. 4

Interactions between TNFA and certolizumab pegol. Interactions between TNFA and the heavy chain of certolizumab pegol in the wild-type (A) and TNFAR131Q variant (B) structures. Interactions between TNFA and the light chain of certolizumab pegol in the wild-type (C), TNFAE135G (D), TNFAR138Q (E), and TNFAR138W (F) variant structures. Forest green- heavy chain of certolizumab pegol; hot pink-, light chain of certolizumab pegol; deep teal- TNFA; yellow- interface; red- mutated residue. Regions with altered antigen-antibody interactions are denoted with black rectangles

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