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Fig. 1 | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Fig. 1

From: Systematic truncations of chromosome 4 and their responses to antifungals in Candida albicans

Fig. 1

Schematic diagram of chromosomal truncation. A Truncation on the left side of the centromere of chromosome 4. Two thick lines represent two homologs of Chr4 containing a centromere (C) in the middle and two telomeres at the ends (T). Truncation cassette has three essential components: PBT, plasmid-borne telomere sequence cloned in the same orientation as it is present in the cellular chromosome; MS, mapping sequence retrieved from the chromosomal sequence at which truncation is intended; and URA3, selection marker. B Truncation of Chr4 on the right-hand side of centromere. Truncation cassettes are made similarly to left portion truncation. However, the telomere sequence will face towards the right and will replace the cellular right portion telomere. Truncation on either side of the centromere generates a truncated homolog of Chr4 wherein the second homolog remains intact

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